A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

i know what dell did last summer

the purpose of this post is to put myself on front street (as if i didn't do that already with this post here) concerning my goals for the summer.

when my personal new year (i.e. my birthday) rolls around, i want to be able to say that i've accomplished these things.

1.) get in super shape

i know, i know. the guy that plays tennis and does tae kwon do isn't in shape? i honestly think i should be in BETTER shape than i am right now. however, i struggle in the area of pushing myself physically. fact that with me being a bit of an emotional eater and having some emotionally tough months, and you get FAT. at the beginning of this semester, i weighed 230 pounds. that means i put on at least 15 lbs. around my birthday last year i was around 212. in the coming days i'm going to be working on that.

that means, i'll be putting myself with miniature portions of hell most days of the week to reach my goal. perhaps i'll post some pics.

2.) write the great american...comic book.

back in the day, i created over 200 comic books. it was called "verdell's life." basically, it was superman for kids. i liked writing them more than drawing them, and i still think that my writing is better than my drawing, but i want to do this again. i still want to involve the influences of my favorite works, but as a more mature storyteller i think i'll do a much better job. it'll be good to have a hobby that makes me sit down and focus. besides, i have some really cool stories that i want to crank out. perhaps i'll give you all a preview when i get stuff down on paper.

Random sketch that i did a while back. i don't know why it's so big. 

3.) write a book

i want to write a book about the bible. some type of guide that mixes devotional and scholarly information. i think i have something to say about this so i want to get going with it. besides, i've always wanted to be an author. here's my chance, right?

4.) firm up my greek

by the end of this semester, i would have finished all the grammar that's needed to read the new testament in greek. however, there is still much to learn and practice. one day, i want to be able to read the NT straight from greek...not an english translation. that would make my life happy, and then i wouldn't need to bible hop so much.

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