A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dell's Slightly Disoriented Rant on Christian Dating...(oops can't say that) Courting

okay, so i'm warning you now that this blog post is a bit of a vent. i'm not really mad about anything, but i have to blog everyday. so, i found something that mildly annoys me and decided to discuss it.

with that being said...feel free to disagree. but i'm not up for "debates" disguised as christian counseling "in love." i'll answer questions though.

christian dating confuses me at times. there are so many rules, secret clauses, and stipulations.

i understand people's need to follow christ. i share the same desire. it's just that i can't easily jump to or through all the christian hopes that we put around this issues. particularly ones that have nothing to do with the bible OR are things that are misinterpreted.

NO I DON'T WANT TO BE A BOAZ TO SOMEONE'S RUTH. because of what i know about the story, i don't think of dating when i read it. i think of other things, like loyalty, commitment, etc. perhaps you think of dating...but not me.

oh and we can't forget the "dating" vs. "courting" argument. yes, because god invented courting in the bible days


my thoughts? who cares! i know "dating" has a negative connotation but honestly, the words mean different things to different people. it doesn't matter what you call it, as long as you honor god through it. my thoughts are...why enter into a serious relationship if marriage isn't in the cards anyway? i'm not saying that courting is BAD...if that works go for it!

and don't even get me started on the "god said" syndrome. i'm not saying that god can't tell you who to marry. i'm sure god has. but because it's not a standard promise or command (i.e. god's peace or giving and receiving), i can't teach that as the christian norm. god MAY tell you...but how can i predict that? let everyone find out who it works via their own relationship with god. there are so many folks that are gutting it out in relationships that they really HATE because they THINK god told them something. but that's for another post. and to be honest, MOST of the relationships where that has been the claim that i've been around fail. and that includes my own. perhaps you've seen successful ones. i haven't seen a lot to be honest.

(note: no, i'm not bitter. just stating a fact. i actually think my last relationship could've worked out if we had some wise counsel. i know that i received AWFUL advice concerning the situation and that didn't help our case).

basically, i want to meet someone and share life with them and pursue christ together. and have a ball doing it. that's it.

yes, i want to have a deep connection with her.
yes, i want to have a christian home.

but all the other mumbo jumbo...and yes, honestly it's mumbo jumbo to me...you can keep it.

now, perhaps this is great FOR YOU. then by all means go for it! do what it takes to stay after christ. i'll never take that away from anyone.

but i don't have to adopt it either.

end scene. blog requirement completed.