A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What To Say...What To Write: A Reflection on Writer's Cramp

hello world. have you missed me?

my blogging has been no where near as consistent as i'd like it to be. quite honestly, i just don't know what to say. and it's not that i don't have things to talk about. it's the fact that i do my best to be a calculated speaker and writer. if i can't say what i want with the precision that i want i tend to be quiet. for the most part, if i say it, that is EXACTLY what i mean.

problem is, even if i mean it, what i'm saying or writing may not be right. while feelings are authentic, feelings are a byproduct of our own personal realities. and those personal realities may or may not be based on truth. i need time to reflect, process, and bounce my own thoughts around my head. what are my thoughts and feelings based on? how close is this to Truth?

also, i don't want to be mr. angry all the time. i realized recently that i point out a lot of things that are wrong, or things that i have issues with. i don't want my blog to be about just that. i want to blog about things that are right. things that are good. pleasant things. funny things.

i don't have writer's block. that occurs when you don't know what to say. what i really have is writer's cramp, a condition that occurs from using your brain too much without letting it breathe. and yes, i just made that term up. if you use it without my permission, whatever you're working on will spontaneously combust.

hopefully, the time away has given me some time to reflect, pray, and gather my thoughts in such a way that i can crank out some more goodness. i have some more blogs in the works, and it will be a combination of humor, discussion, and serious topics. stay tuned!

here's what you can look forward to:

  • i'll be doing a tribute to some of my closest friends. i love to honor people and this will hopefully be a way to say "thank you for being a friend!"
  • humorous discussions concerning the randomness that my friends and i usually encounter.
  • oh, and of course the theological/bible discussions
thanks for reading! and as always...feel free to comment!

and since we're on that topic, is there anything that you would like to see me write about?

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