A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

i love you

about me: once in a while i write poetry. i was feeling all poetry like so i decided to write something.

i love you.

i've said this many times before. with a smile on my face and a glint in my eye.

your eyes returned the favor.

your smile acknowledged that you didn't just agree with what i was saying. you trusted my words.

you know that i love you.

but that isn't enough for me. there's a gap that i wish i could cross in our experience of each other.

i don't want you to know that i love you.

i want you to feel it.

i wish you could step into me just for a second so you could know how intense my love is for you. my love for you is at times bigger than me. larger than the sum of all that comprises me. it's beyond involuntary...it's a reaction to the reality of your existence.

your existence mines the depths of my being, causing pure energy to flow. it is love. it converts want into must and choice into destiny. somehow this love exercises divine power, forcing me to give my all in ways that i never imaged.

but i can't. my wish can't come true.

so for right now the best i can do is look you in the eyes and tell you that i love you.

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