A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Is Your Theology Blocking the Cross?

doctrine seems to be a buzz word now.

i mean, it was always important. rightfully so. it's just that i think we have taken it too far.

reformed. cogic. baptist. episcopalian. vineyard. charismatic. non-denominational with a bapticostal twist. we all have come into the faith via various streams or patterns of thought. at some point we probably changed or amended some of our beliefs. but at some point i think it gets in the way of jesus.

in my reading and study so far, i don't see predestination as a major arguing point of jesus or any of the apostles. nor do i see lines being drawn in the sand over whether or not someone speaks in tongues. i DO see paul's continued issues with the judasizers (folks that wanted christians to conform to jewish rites) throughout his writings, particularly in the book galatians where it reaches a high point. but that issue was more than likely his "thorn" in my opinion so that was to be expected.

but these prolonged "discussions" (read: debates) that we tend to have? for real? are they necessary? one time, i saw several editions of a work created solely to disprove spiritual gifts. please, sir. i KNOW there is someone of more value in the kingdom than that.

there are some christian ideas and theology that i strongly disagree with. and there is someone out there that disagrees with me. but if these differences are over non-essential things, does it matter?

to me, this is sound doctrine: jesus died and rose again so that i can be reconciled with god. 




that comprises the very heart of my belief. if you take that out, i have nothing. now, there are other issues and topics that i think are very important. if you here me talk or minister for any length of time, you'll here bits and parallels that sound an awful lot like folks from the toronto blessing (look it up). folks like bill johnson, randy clark, and jill austin were major influences on my faith in the 2006-2008 period. i may not agree 100% with everything they say, but their teachings have positively influenced my life and caused growth.

but i dare not place my theological leanings, regardless of how "christian" or "orthodox" they may seem, in front of the cross. 

sometimes i don't think we even realize it. it's like people have buttons made or something.




oh, and i guess non-denominational is the ralph nader of the bunch.

but anyways, i say all of that to say this: have your points, have your theology, have your disagreements. that's fine...and healthy. just don't put your ideas in front of the cross. without realizing it, i think we block the view of jesus with all of our christian stuff, the perhaps important, but non-essential issues that we tout around.

besides, i take a cue from bill johnson in defining theology:

"Jesus is Perfect Theology."

by the way: here is a video with another one of my favorites, greg boyd. he's talking about non-negotiable truths and what those are.


  1. Bill Johnson is a beast, I love that quote. great post, man! I agree with you when you say that our theological leanings get in the way of Jesus when we start focusing more on them than on the cross and what Jesus did to set us free.

    BTW, My name is juan. feel free to check out my blog and drop me some comments. take care, man!
