A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

being the best me...FOR ME

i've thought about it, and this is what i think.

i want to be the best ME.

i don't want to become the best thing that someone else thinks i should be, so then i can get their approval.

i don't want to be whack (and i'm not), but i also don't want to beat myself over the head becoming "marriage material" either. because what if i never get married? while i want to get married, it's a chance that it might not happen.

what then? i spent time making a nest for a bird that will never come home.

so, instead, i want to work on me. being the best me i can be. growing in character. growing in wisdom. because the best me is what the one for me would want anyway. and if they never come along, i can say that i've gotten a lot out of myself.

my name is verdell. i like cartoons. i'm a theology nerd. i love tennis. i eat breakfast food all the time. i'm a sucker for serials and other shows with an ongoing story. i'm a bid kid. i like superman.

oh, and i'm doing my best to walk like christ and demonstrate his character every day.

if that's not enough for you...that's too bad. it HAS to be enough for me.

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