A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

tae kwon do: back in action

i love the fact that i'm in tae kwon do again. it was such a large part of my life for so many years. it was the beginning of the resurrection of my self-confidence.

i remember my first practice. it was in downtown asbury park. i was about 12 years old. part of my first lesson was learning how to punch correct. how to hit with the first two knuckles, and how it was best to aim for the part of the face right under the nose.

that next day, i started something that i would do for the next 7 years. i went outside and began to train on my own. i must have thrown 1000 punches that day. problem was that i was in the summer heat. i drained all my energy. i was sick in bed for the next day or so from heat exhaustion. for almost a decade more i would train outside, in our basement, or in random abandoned fields. i ran countless laps around our large city blocks to get in shape.

i remember the time that i was a blue belt. there was a kicking competition at the school, and i managed to defeat everyone, even the higher ranks. A couple of years later, i won a local tournament and a regional tournament.

it was during that time that i met one of the most profound mentors of my life. he trained me in tae kwon do. but his friendship, acceptance, and encouragement has a large part in who i am today. after my dad, i think mr. kim has had the most influence over me. he taught me discipline, to persevere, and to move forward. oh, and to not be so rude (i'm still learning that lesson).

courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, indomitable spirit. the five tenants of ATF tae kwon do. i carried these tenants into my walk with christ when it began. in some ways, i think jesus was already teaching me while i training.

i happy to be back at it.

1 comment:

  1. you should call your character by this name. Master Kim. Stay as close to the true story you're telling. That is an awesome testimony to the impact this man had on your life. (his place in the story, not this actual post. lol) I do, however, think this post is a wonderful statement to the effect Mr. Kim had on your life!
