A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Love pt. 2

"you know, that this point in your life you'll probably need to meet someone that sees your heart." Mom

My mother said that to me a couple of years ago.  It popped up in my mind again.  A while back I wrote a post on love and my feelings concerning it.  I guess you can consider this part two of it.

Anyways, I think my mother is right.  The reality is, I probably just don't have a lot of the stuff that Christian women are looking for, and by that I mean the entire package.  I'm a nice guy.  I'm romantic, thoughtful, caring, all the cool stuff.  However, I'm also a grad student with not much to my name.  I'm a full time student with a very part time job.  I don't have a car.  I don't have my own apartment.  

The reality is that I think at times I would get passed over because I don't have the trappings. 

Now, I'm not saying to date scrubs.  Oh, no.  You need to have a plan, some goals, aspirations.  But, sometimes even with all of that, you don't have everything you want at the moment.  There are a ton of people that have their plans "in progress" that don't have it all the way together yet, but they are in that press.  I do think that places me off the market in some ladies' eyes.  I really do.  Do I think it's shallow?  Not really.  But it gets interesting when people say there are no men around and then they have a long list of criteria.

Like I said in my other post about love, I have my goals.  I want to get my Masters of Divinity and eventually my Doctorate.  I want to become a solid Christian leader that pushes things forward for God.  The person that is for me will understand that.  I don't have all the other stuff that some people my age do (i.e. their own places, cars, money, etc.).  I just have the drive to pursue what I believe to be the calling of God in and on my life.  

So, am I pressed?  Eh, not really.  Although it's been on my mind the past few days.  I don't know why.  Since it's on my heart so much, I guess I'll pray about it.  But I guess this part of the Love series ends at the same place that my first one did:  I've got to pursue my dreams.  If I meet the love of my life and don't accomplish this stuff...then I'll feel unfulfilled.  

Until then, I'll be the groomsman and never the groom.  The friend like none other instead of the boyfriend.  The third wheel.  Sometimes I wonder if it will happen for me.  But, I keep pressing for the stuff that's right in front of me.  There's just too much to smile about to stay sad about it for long :-)

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