A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Random thoughts @ 12:06

random time!!!!

  • if you don't manage the circumstances in your life, the circumstances in your life will manage you. will you react, or respond? if i'm not vigilant i can go into react mode and i just let life happen it me. unfortunately, i can do the same thing during tennis matches. i let things get away from me, and all of a sudden the match is about to be over. funny thing is, i've played some of my best tennis when i'm down. the truth is though, i should've been more focused in the first place. you can't box out of every situation in life, and if you can box yourself out, you can keep yourself out in the first place.
  • i want to have a sincere relationship. marriage is work. not willing to settle for anything just so that i can be in a relationship. not willing to give up dreams either. a relationship is suppose to be a welcomed addition. is it work? yes. are they challenging? yes. but love is worth it. i've loved someone like that before. i was young, and made a TON of mistakes, but my love for her was so sincere and true. i know it was true because i wanted to see her succeed. i wanted to do what i could to help her. i know what that type of love feels like...and its worth waiting for. if i never find it, i'll be a lil upset, but i'd rather be alone than settle.
  • ugh! close encounter of the hood nigga kind tonite! amen for protection and grace, but i need not deal with skeed (asbury park folks know what that word means did i spell it right) bamma threatening me on my porch. no thanks. my two dollar a day program just got bumped up to three. getting the heck outta dodge...in due time. my heart hurts for them though. they have a void of purpose in their lives. and the void is filled will all types of temporal nonsense. i'm going to begin praying for them, and interceding for my whole neighborhood. christ, take the clay and SHAPE...
okay. i'm going to sleep now. definitely have to be to church by 8 for praise team stuff. nite!

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