A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Name Game

Hello world,

After some thinking, I've decided to take my blog in a different direction. I want to use this blog to talk about one of the best kept secrets around: me.

Why do I call myself a "best kept secret"? Because I feel like people don't really know me too well. People know things about me based on my actions or performances, but what really makes Dell tick? Why does he do what he does? Hell, sometimes I don't really know why I do what I do. Maybe we can take this journey together and see what we all have in common.

It's All In the Name

Let's start with something simple, like my nickname. My full name is Verdell Anthony Wright. My father's name is also Verdell. Technically, I'm not a junior, even though I'm suppose to be. While my father diplomas and other materials say Verdell Anthony Wright, his birth certificate doesn't. I don't really understand that, maybe it's an old country thing, but because of that technicality I'm really not a junior (my Dad still calls me junior though).

Now, my father was already well known as Vee for years. If I'm actually retelling the story correctly, my father didn't even want me to have his name. He wanted me to have my own name and identity. So, I guess the compromise was me having my own unique nickname: Dell.

Funny thing is, people still referred to me as Lil Vee for years. Then, as I got older, I was just referred to as Vee. It was like a coming of age thing. You know, a "The Son becomes the Father" type stuff. I liked it. Once I moved from New Jersey to MD, however, I began to miss being called Dell. Because it was a family thing, no one else knew about it. So, I decided to bring it out of the closet make make family here.

I like my nickname. It seems to have caught on to the other people around me, too. Some people I don't mind. Others I'm like, "Why are you calling me Dell? Ion't know you like that, slim." That's because it was always a family thing. People that were close to me and important to me called me that. But random person that I've only know for 28 seconds...if you call me Dell I may look at you funny, but I won't be mean. With that being said, most of the people that call me Dell I'm just fine with...so if you already do, keep doing it. You've been cleared :-)

What's In A Name, Anyway?

Plenty! I wonder about the things that are attached to my name. I'm sure that it's a combination of good and bad. Contrary to my own popular belief (lol), I'm not perfect. What you call something either imparts the grace necessary for it to be built up (Ephesians 4:29) or it halts the building process. What things in your life have been halted because you called it the wrong thing? What things should have already been built in your life, but you haven't given the Master Builder the right materials? Faith is what's needed to see breakthrough, creation, and growth. Faith is imparted by WORDS...I dare you to search through the promises of God, and see what God has to say about your life. Since God wants your life blessed, you call your life blessed as well, and watch what God begins to build.

(I'm not going to preach...but I think I just did...so I'll stop now lol).

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