A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Facebook Newsfeed Makes Me Wonder...

at times, my facebook wall brings me joy.

i love seeing all of the things my friends are into. the pictures from their trips. the funny videos from youtube.

other times, facebook annoys me. it especially annoys me when i see how christians use it at times.

i graduated from rutgers university with a degree in journalism, so i'm totally with the whole free speech thing. my thought is, if you don't like what someone is saying, ignore them. we shouldn't be hurtful, but your facebook profile, your twitter timeline, etc., is yours. say what you want, just be willing to deal with the consequences later.

but, like paul wrote centuries ago, just because you can do something doesn't mean it's the best thing to do.

i wonder how helpful statuses calling out sinners and saying that this celebrity is in this secret society and this one worships the devil.

i wonder how helpful it is to criticize and degrade ask other ministries about their ministry practices all over your status? and then write a prayer asking god to help them see the "light" (and of course, the light looks a lot like their own personal opinions and views).

i wonder how helpful it is to fire darts from a facebook status.

i honestly don't think it's helpful at all. it's not about people changing their opinions, it's about demonstrating them in a way that healthy and helpful. at times i think there is a secret verse in the bible that says, "thou shall say my word in the most offensive, obtuse, blunt way that you can think of, so then people won't like you and you can call it persecution!"

i wonder if people will realize that you don't have to do that.

perhaps i should be the change that i want to see.

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