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Monday, August 1, 2011

what we DON'T want to see from the new Thundercats


okay, now that i've gotten that out of my system, i want to talk about the new thundercats cartoon that just came on. if you were a product of the 80s, you must've heard about this show at some point. y'know, cat-like humans, evil mummy, sword that can do EVERYTHING. oh, and the same battle cry. every show. every FLIPPING show. #butweloveditso

anywhos, the revamped show got a lot of positive feedback. for the most part, it stayed true to the original while adding much needed updates.

with that being said, there are still some things that we just don't want to see. here's my list of them:


we honestly don't want to see cheesy storylines. those worked in the 80s. it was a simpler time, a time without terrorist attacks and debt ceiling fiascoes. plus, we were in elementary show so any bright light was entertaining. that won't work now. judging by the first episode, you guys seem to taking a darker approach. that's good! keep up the good work. and we know that you'll have to do something for the younger kids that are watching, just don't make it too unbearable.

what you did with snarf is a good example. you kept him in, but you made him WAY less annoying. i actually like this snarf better. good job. use that mindset when updating and writing future stories.

2. a grown up lion-o

this may be controversial, especially since the lion-o we know and love was an adult when we first met him. however, that was because he aged while in the capsule traveling to earth. and in this version, it makes sense that lion-o isn't grown up (i'd have to give away a major plot point to tell you why, but it does). quite honestly, it's awkward watching a 20 year old act like a 12-year-old in real life. why would we want to do it for entertainment? let lion-o grow up naturally. also, we're sure that this young lion-o filled with angst and tension would be a great draw to the twilight crowd. young almost human person struggling with life and love? i can see the 12-book series being written up already.

3. you don't have to do the "ho" thing every episode

okay, we know this is the part that we all know and love about thundercats. but the truth is that we don't need to see it every single episode. really, we don't. we get it. the sword grows, it calls the thundercats together. they win. show over.

that works for 5-year-olds. not anymore. lets explore what else the sword can do. and don't make the sword a fix-all. make it very powerful, sure. but please make the sword's power levels a little below god. thanks.

and for you folks that may not have been able to see some of the episode, here's a clip. don't worry, it doesn't give too much away.

oh, and just because we don't want to see it every episode, doesn't mean that this isn't cool :-) compare the two versions and see which one you like best.

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