A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Multiple Plotlines

Haven't blogged in a while, so I have a number of things to lay out.  Let's just consider this a primer to see what plot lines will be coursing through this semester:


It's already the second day of classes for me and I'm tired.  I have three part twos (intro to new testament 2, intro to old testament 2, history of christianity 2). I know that Howard's break was long for them...however, I really don't feel like I rested at all.  A day after finals ended I got on a plane and went to Jersey.  Spent ten days on a couch and went through various emotional ups and downs.  They were good ups and downs...but a roller coaster is a roller coaster.  Came back to DC, and I feel like I never caught my breath.  That was probably my fault.

Still, I feel like at some point I might get worn out.  As much as I love what I'm doing, it takes a lot to perform at the high level that I know I can.  I'm definitely learning to take breaks so I can prevent a shut down.


I started the P90X program again.  Last time I got to day 35 or so...I think.  I stopped because the tennis season started up.  But since it's winter time outside, this would be a great way to get in even better shape.  I'm scheduled to be done with the program on April 11.

I have some physical goals for this year.  I want to be able to run 2 miles by the end of the year.  I want to weigh closer to 200 pounds.  All of this is with a mind towards tennis.  I want to do well and being physically fitter than most is what helped me.  Besides, exercising is a good temporary pause for me.  It allows me to step out of situations, take a break from the real world for a bit.


I'm going to actively seek to connect with some new people.  I think it would be good for me.  With that being said, I feel like some of my current friendships are changing.  At first, I was a little bothered by that.  I'm not as bothered about that anymore, just a little.  I feel like some of the closeness I have some with friends will disappear...simply because we aren't around each other as much.  That doesn't jive too well with me because I like to stay connected via phone calls, emails, etc.  To me (and I emphasize TO ME), real friendships survive distance.  Out of sight but not out of mind.  I know that everyone doesn't operate that way, so no hard feelings...but it still makes me a little sad.

On the other hand, an old friendship has resurfaced.  It's kinda odd.  The friendship never totally died, but it was buried under hurt feelings, disagreements, and all sorts of other issues.  It all started with a random email that we both agreed was unnecessary.  But in discussing the email, we really talked about the place that we had in each other's lives.  More specifically, he told me the place I held in his.  I was floored...I really had no idea.  Our friendship had been a long series of intensity in various stages...a lot of it good.  a lot of it bad.  but time and distance seem to make an effect on things.  It gives people perspective.  we even talked about some of the old times and situations...were he made mistakes and were I made mistakes...about the seriousness of them and even found a way to laugh at them.  we've both grown up a little bit.

Life is going to be interesting.  As you can see by the multiple plotlines.

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