A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

6 down...84 to go

i've completed one week of p90x thus far.  i must say that all in all i've enjoyed it.  it's relaxing believe it or not.  It's an hour away from the normal pace of the world.  plus, i think that i meet god when i work out.  it's something about pushing my body and letting go that allows me to connect to god that much more.

i think i'm adjusting well.  i did a couple of the workouts from p90 to make sure i was ready for this program.  while i have a ways to go before i'm at my best, i was happy to see that i was in solid physical condition to start (note:  if you aren't already in some sort of decent shape DON'T EVEN TRY P90X you'll kill yourself!!!  there's a fit test that comes with it.  if you can pass the fit test, then give it a shot.  but if you can't run around the block...just do p90).

as i'm typing this i'm a little sore and stiff.  i did legs and back today (i had to switch days since the gym would be closed on monday).  i didn't like this workout.  i think it was my mood prior to working out that influenced that.   i went to sleep late and i woke up early.  plus, the gym didn't have that much room for me to move around in the first place.

i had to do pull ups again today.  i don't mind them, but i have trouble with them.  i have to use weight in order to get a good five in.  it's hilarious actually, but this workout is actually repeating an old lesson to me: we all have limitations.  no one is good at everything.  some are good at a couple of things.  some are good at a lot.  no one is good at it all.  you have to adjust and do what you can to do your best.

i also learned something about pride.  in a couple of parts of the program you have to do kenpo.  the kicks and strikes are all familiar from my tae kwon do days, however, i'm a long ways off from championship winning form.  there were some moves that i couldn't do now that i could've done in my sleep ten years ago.  it made me mad.  my black belt is hanging in my closet and i can do some of these simple maneuvers.  then i remembered, titles ultimately mean very little.  it's what you produce that counts.

while i'm sore right now, i can say that i already feel a physical difference.  more energy.  my mind and body are a little more agile.  i'm looking forward to the following 84 days.


  1. Hey Verdell congratulations on starting P90X, I know how tough that first week can be, I've done it twice, but believe me it gets better. Since you are basically just starting have you thought of becoming a Beachbody coach to help you along the way through the program?

  2. Good job!! I actually just started my P90X workout on Sunday! I'm really sore from day 1 of P90X, but I know I got a great workout.

    Again great job on your start with P90X!!
