A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

where i DON'T want to be

there is one place my soul takes displeasure in, two places that my soul hates

1. my part time job
now, i know that it's a blessing to have a job.  however, i sincerely do not like working for these two old people.  i pray that when i become old that i'm not annoying/evil.  i'm trying to adjust to make it better, but as SOON as i get my money from school i'm dropping this job like a hot potato.  for real. 

what annoys me about the job?  EVERYTHING. the best part about the job is the cookies that i get from subway across the street...and they don't even make those anymore so there goes my inspiration.

2. church
i don't really hate it...i could just never go for months at a time and be fine with it.  and it's not every church...but just the one i'm at now.  i've been feeling this way for months.  it's not that anything's wrong with the church.  the people are great.  the teaching is good.  i enjoy singing on the praise team.  i think it's me, honestly.  i'm incredibly bored there.  i'm ready to leave as soon as i arrive.

i really think i'm the "problem," if there is indeed a problem.  seminary and the like are beginning to shape me. i actually enjoy school in ways that i didn't last semester.  one theory that i have is that what i get in school in terms of "spiritual food" may be so shazam wham pow that my current assembly just seems kinda "eh."  that's not the church's fault though.

also, i realize that i'm a pretty busy dude.  i'm in school, and i'm busy with anq stuff.  at times i feel a lack of connection and that could be why.  can stop school.  anq will be less in the picture in a year, but i have my commitments that i want to see fulfilled.  again, that's not the church's fault. 

it's just me.  and even as i sit here and type this i'm even more convinced that i really might need to make a change.

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