A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

...And You Didn't Even Wash Your Hands!/ Security Fail

So, at some point I want to actually give some exhortation/encouragement/wisdom to you all; however, the events of the last few days have prompted a special bulletin.

I like to discuss and laugh at strange situations, so let's start with this new video from Beyonce's lil sis, Solange. Look at the video here first. It's about four minutes long.

Did you look at it?

Don't read any further til you do!

Okay, did she really just pee on a stick? I mean, for real! Don't you put those things in a cup or something? And she didn't even wash her hands! I actually like the song, but I feel like her on the toilet seat takin' a wiz on the EPT is a little much. And who just happens to have pregnancy tests on deck? No, Solange. Just no.

On to other news, this Saturday was interesting. Me, Phillip, and Sample came home from a BBQ. We went into the house and we saw that someone was in the bathroom. We assumed that it was one of our other housemates, so we paid it no mind. The three of us went back outside to chop it up some more when a large black male peered out of the door!

Sample and I prepare to attack, when the dude announced himself. "I didn't know that anyone else lived here," he said. Me, in my usual inquisitive way, asked him "Who are you?"

"I'm one of Mike's (named changed to protect the innocent) friends. His door was open so I just came in."

As anyone that knows me could figure out, at this point my slant face was in full effect. And my fists where clenched. "Wow, Verdell," Phillip said. "Where'd he come from"

"Oh, so you're Verdell!" The football player sized person said! "I was wondering who the extra people where! When I was looking through the mail I couldn't tell who was who."

Stop the bus moment: you went through the mail? Are you serious? Where do these people come from? But wait...there's more.

The gentlemen continued to talk...much to my dismay. "Yeah, I didn't realize that anyone else lived here besides Mike and Phil. I walked around just to get a feel for a place. Y'know, upstairs and stuff. Don't worry. I didn't take anything. Are you all in ANQ?"

Again, here I go, asking questions that I already know the answers to. I look at brothaman (you know, the dude from the 5th floor on Martin) "Wait, so, you went in all our rooms?"

"Yes," he replied. "Don't worry. I didn't steal anything. I just wanted to get a feel for my surroundings. But I whose guitar and drum set are those?" Please note that everything he saw he had to either go into a closet or bedroom to see.

Seriously though? Really? Locking my door from now on. All I can say is that the word for that day was security fail.

Maybe next time I'll have something spiritual to say. IDK...

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