A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009


This weekend was a good one. I got to spend a decent amount of time with my frat and sorors. And it was some of the All-Stars, too, like Christina Cobb, Firenza, Shaduuuri (sorry, had to do it), Eric, and the like. Angel came through too (even though she slept most of the time). Good stuff, man!

While we had fun laughing and eating, as usual, this was one of those times that I got to witness just how special these people are. My wonderful sister, C.Cobb, definitely was flowing with Holy Spirit when she was speaking truth for real. Even though it was specifically for one person, it really impacted all of us. Eric said that moments like that help us to appreciate people for who they are. So often, because we are super funny, entertaining, and creative people we become common to each other and forget that we are anointed. Never before have I been surrounded by such raw talent.

The conversation continued, and suddenly I found myself talking. I was talking about all the success that I had in school with academics and winning awards. The Spirit of Revelation was clearly still in the room, and it was one of those instances where the word you need comes out of your own mouth (a la Peter's revelation that Jesus was the Christ). I sat on Eric's radiator and said...

"I've realized that at some point I placed more value in what I can do than with who I am."

I think the whole room fell out right there. It's been an underlying issue for years with me. I can do a lot. I really feel like I can do anything. I really think that I'm extremely capable. However, my perception of myself can be very low at times. It's a two-edged sword. When I succeed in my given tasks, I'm on a high because I value being able to "do," but when I fail I'm felt out in the cold because I don't have any victories to hang on my neck. All I can do is just "be."

Back at home, we had something called the award wall. Everyone in my family is an achiever. My mom kills at school. Played in the band, sang. Community leader and such. My dad, the same. One time commander-in-chief of The Post (If you're from Asbury Park you know exactly what that is). My sister won every academic award available. Me, always on the honor roll. Martial arts champion (I'm out of practice so don't attack me). Successful at tennis. Valedictorian of my high school class. I've done a lot. But what about when I don't do anything? Who am I then?

It blew my mind. I always knew that it was true, but I was weird to hear myself say it. Very weird. But after I said it, I found myself wanted to experience freedom. Release from all the situations that caused this type of bondage. I just want to be free. Run wild. Be unapologetically me.

How would that look?
What happens when I'm not Dean/Co-Dean/President/Minister whoever? I would really like to know.

All I know for sure right now is this:

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

...And You Didn't Even Wash Your Hands!/ Security Fail

So, at some point I want to actually give some exhortation/encouragement/wisdom to you all; however, the events of the last few days have prompted a special bulletin.

I like to discuss and laugh at strange situations, so let's start with this new video from Beyonce's lil sis, Solange. Look at the video here first. It's about four minutes long.

Did you look at it?

Don't read any further til you do!

Okay, did she really just pee on a stick? I mean, for real! Don't you put those things in a cup or something? And she didn't even wash her hands! I actually like the song, but I feel like her on the toilet seat takin' a wiz on the EPT is a little much. And who just happens to have pregnancy tests on deck? No, Solange. Just no.

On to other news, this Saturday was interesting. Me, Phillip, and Sample came home from a BBQ. We went into the house and we saw that someone was in the bathroom. We assumed that it was one of our other housemates, so we paid it no mind. The three of us went back outside to chop it up some more when a large black male peered out of the door!

Sample and I prepare to attack, when the dude announced himself. "I didn't know that anyone else lived here," he said. Me, in my usual inquisitive way, asked him "Who are you?"

"I'm one of Mike's (named changed to protect the innocent) friends. His door was open so I just came in."

As anyone that knows me could figure out, at this point my slant face was in full effect. And my fists where clenched. "Wow, Verdell," Phillip said. "Where'd he come from"

"Oh, so you're Verdell!" The football player sized person said! "I was wondering who the extra people where! When I was looking through the mail I couldn't tell who was who."

Stop the bus moment: you went through the mail? Are you serious? Where do these people come from? But wait...there's more.

The gentlemen continued to talk...much to my dismay. "Yeah, I didn't realize that anyone else lived here besides Mike and Phil. I walked around just to get a feel for a place. Y'know, upstairs and stuff. Don't worry. I didn't take anything. Are you all in ANQ?"

Again, here I go, asking questions that I already know the answers to. I look at brothaman (you know, the dude from the 5th floor on Martin) "Wait, so, you went in all our rooms?"

"Yes," he replied. "Don't worry. I didn't steal anything. I just wanted to get a feel for my surroundings. But I whose guitar and drum set are those?" Please note that everything he saw he had to either go into a closet or bedroom to see.

Seriously though? Really? Locking my door from now on. All I can say is that the word for that day was security fail.

Maybe next time I'll have something spiritual to say. IDK...

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

GCC Men's Retreat/ I Finally Got My Meal!!!

Hello, Blog World

You know, it's been a while since I've blogged seriously. I've had a few false starts at trying to become more consistent with it, but to no avail. Now, I thinks me got the motivation...so let's go!


This blog will be used for the purpose of showing the world one of the greatest things you could ever learn about...ME! I'm only...serious :-). But really, I feel like the people around me know me, but don't really know me. People kno
w about me, but very few people know the inner workings that make up Verdell Anthony Wright. And concerning those said workings, I'll probably never just outright tell you. I don't necessarily like blabbing about myself all the time. However, I don't mind writing about myself. I think that I'm a much more articulate writer than speaker (and I do a darn good job at public speaking). I'll do a post that just details what you'll learn about me on the blog.

Tennis Woes

I'm in a tennis league this summer. Unfortunately, I've lost both of my matches. It sucks. I feel like some of my confidence is down. I'll hang in there in the beginning, but once I lose, it's like I lose the will to fight. Gotta correct that.

I play with a one handed backhand. It's my favorite shot to hit. Unfortunately, it's been somewhat MIA this season. I need to find a practice partner. And does anyone want to buy me a n
ew racket?

One thing I do notice though is that I try to do too much. Tennis matches are won, not lost. It doesn't matter how fancy a winner is, it's only worth one point. There are no video cameras recording the action. I'm going to employ Chris's (shout out to my little) tip of four shots in. And take it easy. Make the other person win.

GCC Men's Retreat

This weekend I went on the Men's Retreat with my church, Grace Covenant DC. I wa
s really excited about it. I've been attending the church for over a year, and i recently became a member. I've enjoyed the small groups and the fellowship. However, I didn't feel like I had a connection with the men there.

This weekend changed all that. One of my prayers was that life long relationships would begin to grow as a result of this weekend. I think that is exactly what is happening. And it was worth the uber humid cabin, the thousand men snoring, and the billions of bumblebees!

Highlights of the weekend:

  • Playing ping pong with two of my pastors. That pic you see is of Pastor Jones. His backhand is actually better than his forehand...which i didn't figure out until i was two points away from losing.
  • Playing Egyptian Ratscrew (I didn't know anyone else knew about that game)
  • Showing the Grace Covenant Men how to Pogo (people weren't getting it at first, and they were getting frustrated! I thought I was going to be excommunicated!)
Sayings of the Weekend
-"It smells like someone had a personal experience in here." Sam
-"Well, I'm really not after poetic satisfaction!" Akil
-"God restores the years!" Me, after I got ten cards back in Egyptian Ratscrew
-"I guess bidding your hand is out of the question." Me, while playing spades and the other team constantly underbid.

Church the Next Day

After arriving back from the retreat, I actually went to bed early so that I would be rested for the church the next day. I'm sure that I would've lost some of my reward in heaven if I didn't show up. The message was good, as always.

I decided to join the worship team! I'm excited about that. I think it will fit in the best with my with my schedule in the foreseeable. Had to remind myself of the commitments to school, ANQ, and other stuff. I'm just excited to start serving at the place that I am making my home.

Red Lobster

So, a couple of months ago I had one of the best meals of my life at Red Lobster. Honey BBQ chicken with shrimp and mashed potatoes. I've been fiening to have that meal again, and the chance has escaped me too many times. Sunday, I decided to break that cycle and go for myself. I rounded up the troops and headed over to the Red Lobster in Silver Spring. Now, mind you, this one is slightly hood, but the foo
d is still good. Eric and Christina came and ate with me. Fun times, SP05!!!

Before Cobb came, Eric and I talked about some ANQ business. I still think it's funny discussing stuff with him, because I'm just an open book. He already knows what I'm thinking and feeling...he's just waiting for me to say it. It's rare that you can find someone that you can be great friends with AND work together!

Of course, we had an engaging conversation. It was
about church direction and ministry. One thought provoking question was this: even in the midst of pursuing the simple, is it possible to make it too simple? Do we eliminate vital means of connecting with God when we try to trim things down too much? As much as this generation wants to get down to what's really important, we have to be mindful that we are getting rid of the chaft, not the nutrients.

One thing to really keep in mind is that ministry is two things that the average person may not realize. It's a non-profit organization, and it's a customer service outlet. The best churches are run like businesses. The Founder President of my Fraternity, Doral R. Pulley, says it like this "We
hear God, and we respond by business." The inner working and procedures of a ministry are so vital. Regardless of how successful the transforming of lives is, if the behind the scenes issues aren't addressed then the ministry will fall.

It's customer service because ministry is all about meeting needs. What do the people in the congregation need? Who are they? What is there background? What is needed to bring the fullness of God into their lives? If these issues are ignored, then the people aren't being served. So think about it: is your ministry actually helping people, or is it just you performing your favorite hobby and saying "amen" after you're finished? Hmmm...

Monday, May 18, 2009

GCC Men's Retreat/ I finally had my meal!!!

Hello, Blog World

You know, it's been a while since I've blogged seriously. I've had a few false starts at trying to become more consistent with it, but to no avail. Now, I thinks me got the motivation...so let's go!


This blog will be used for the purpose of showing the world one of the greatest things you could ever learn about...ME! I'm only...serious :-). But really, I feel like the people around me know me, but don't really know me. People kno
w about me, but very few people know the inner workings that make up Verdell Anthony Wright. And concerning those said workings, I'll probably never just outright tell you. I don't necessarily like blabbing about myself all the time. However, I don't mind writing about myself. I think that I'm a much more articulate writer than speaker (and I do a darn good job at public speaking). I'll do a post that just details what you'll learn about me on the blog.

Tennis Woes

I'm in a tennis league this summer. Unfortunately, I've lost both of my matches. It sucks. I feel like some of my confidence is down. I'll hang in there in the beginning, but once I lose, it's like I lose the will to fight. Gotta correct that.

I play with a one handed backhand. It's my favorite shot to hit. Unfortunately, it's been somewhat MIA this season. I need to find a practice partner. And does anyone want to buy me a n
ew racket?

One thing I do notice though is that I try to do too much. Tennis matches are won, not lost. It doesn't matter how fancy a winner is, it's only worth one point. There are no video cameras recording the action. I'm going to employ Chris's (shout out to my little) tip of four shots in. And take it easy. Make the other person win.

GCC Men's Retreat

This weekend I went on the Men's Retreat with my church, Grace Covenant DC. I wa
s really excited about it. I've been attending the church for over a year, and i recently became a member. I've enjoyed the small groups and the fellowship. However, I didn't feel like I had a connection with the men there.

This weekend changed all that. One of my prayers was that life long relationships would begin to grow as a result of this weekend. I think that is exactly what is happening. And it was worth the uber humid cabin, the thousand men snoring, and the billions of bumblebees!

Highlights of the weekend:

  • Playing ping pong with two of my pastors. That pic you see is of Pastor Jones. His backhand is actually better than his forehand...which i didn't figure out until i was two points away from losing.
  • Playing Egyptian Ratscrew (I didn't know anyone else knew about that game)
  • Showing the Grace Covenant Men how to Pogo (people weren't getting it at first, and they were getting frustrated! I thought I was going to be excommunicated!)

Sayings of the Weekend
-"It smells like someone had a personal experience in here." Sam
-"Well, I'm really not after poetic satisfaction!" Akil
-"God restores the years!" Me, after I got ten cards back in Egyptian Ratscrew
-"I guess bidding your hand is out of the question." Me, while playing spades and the other team constantly underbid.

Church the Next Day

After arriving back from the retreat, I actually went to bed early so that I would be rested for the church the next day. I'm sure that I would've lost some of my reward in heaven if I didn't show up. The message was good, as always.

I decided to join the worship team! I'm excited about that. I think it will fit in the best with my with my schedule in the foreseeable. Had to remind myself of the commitments to school, ANQ, and other stuff. I'm just excited to start serving at the place that I am making my home.

Red Lobster

So, a couple of months ago I had one of the best meals of my life at Red Lobster. Honey BBQ chicken with shrimp and mashed potatoes. I've been fiening to have that meal again, and the chance has escaped me too many times. Sunday, I decided to break that cycle and go for myself. I rounded up the troops and headed over to the Red Lobster in Silver Spring. Now, mind you, this one is slightly hood, but the foo
d is still good. Eric and Christina came and ate with me. Fun times, SP05!!!

Before Cobb came, Eric and I talked about some ANQ business. I still think it's funny discussing stuff with him, because I'm just an open book. He already knows what I'm thinking and feeling...he's just waiting for me to say it. It's rare that you can find someone that you can be great friends with AND work together!

Of course, we had an engaging conversation. It was
about church direction and ministry. One thought provoking question was this: even in the midst of pursuing the simple, is it possible to make it too simple? Do we eliminate vital means of connecting with God when we try to trim things down too much? As much as this generation wants to get down to what's really important, we have to be mindful that we are getting rid of the chaft, not the nutrients.

One thing to really keep in mind is that ministry is two things that the average person may not realize. It's a non-profit organization, and it's a customer service outlet. The best churches are run like businesses. The Founder President of my Fraternity, Doral R. Pulley, says it like this "We
hear God, and we respond by business." The inner working and procedures of a ministry are so vital. Regardless of how successful the transforming of lives is, if the behind the scenes issues aren't addressed then the ministry will fall.

It's customer service because ministry is all about meeting needs. What do the people in the congregation need? Who are they? What is there background? What is needed to bring the fullness of God into their lives? If these issues are ignored, then the people aren't being served. So think about it: is your ministry actually helping people, or is it just you performing your favorite hobby and saying "amen" after you're finished? Hmmm...

Until next time.