A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Monday, July 25, 2011

My Facebook Newsfeed Makes Me Wonder...

at times, my facebook wall brings me joy.

i love seeing all of the things my friends are into. the pictures from their trips. the funny videos from youtube.

other times, facebook annoys me. it especially annoys me when i see how christians use it at times.

i graduated from rutgers university with a degree in journalism, so i'm totally with the whole free speech thing. my thought is, if you don't like what someone is saying, ignore them. we shouldn't be hurtful, but your facebook profile, your twitter timeline, etc., is yours. say what you want, just be willing to deal with the consequences later.

but, like paul wrote centuries ago, just because you can do something doesn't mean it's the best thing to do.

i wonder how helpful statuses calling out sinners and saying that this celebrity is in this secret society and this one worships the devil.

i wonder how helpful it is to criticize and degrade ask other ministries about their ministry practices all over your status? and then write a prayer asking god to help them see the "light" (and of course, the light looks a lot like their own personal opinions and views).

i wonder how helpful it is to fire darts from a facebook status.

i honestly don't think it's helpful at all. it's not about people changing their opinions, it's about demonstrating them in a way that healthy and helpful. at times i think there is a secret verse in the bible that says, "thou shall say my word in the most offensive, obtuse, blunt way that you can think of, so then people won't like you and you can call it persecution!"

i wonder if people will realize that you don't have to do that.

perhaps i should be the change that i want to see.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Dell's Not Getting In List

you ever heard the phrase, "you don't have a heaven or a hell to put me in"?

well, apparently, that's not true. as i scroll up and down my facebook newsfeed or my twitter timeline i see lots of declarations about who is going where. these people are sinners. they need to get it together, that's not the real gospel, etc., etc.

maybe god gave some folks a pass to start throwing people into the fiery furnace before time. i don't know. i didn't get a memo so i'm a little hurt. *stops typing and begins to sob*

anyways, i've decided to join the fun myself. these are the people and things that, if i had my little way, would not get into the pearly gates. i wouldn't throw them into hell. there wouldn't be a hell. i don't like heat, lol. they would just occupy a lower level of heaven.

what you'll also notice is that everyone who wouldn't get all of my version of heaven are people and things that personally annoy me. only the sins that bother me the most would get ultimately cast out...

...someone will catch that tomorrow. let me know when you do!

anyways, in the spirit of fun (kind of), here's my list:

Dell's Not Getting In List

1. whoever decided to put that mesh lining in swim trunks
2. old ladies that write checks at supermarkets
3. heatwaves
4. whoever wrote the last season of Heroes
5. people who are chronically late
6. anyone that has a mohawk and/or neck tattoo that isn't in the rap game
7. stinkbugs
8. MD 295 (anyone from the DMV will understand)
9. Benning Road in Washington, DC
10. Coogi sweaters
11. Fubu tshirts
12. Karl Kani Jeans
(numbers 9 -12 i consider zombies because they are dead clothing styles yet they are still roaming the earth)
13. columbus day

(disclaimer: because i know that someone out there won't get it...i'll just make it plain. I'M KIDDING. this list is a joke.)

there, i think that's it. if you had a personal heaven, what would you put in it? and what would you keep out?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bible Study Tips: The Verdell Version!

so...this blog was like 12 light years in the making. a good friend of mine asked if i would detail what i use to study the bible. i said, "sure. i'll do one soon."

since i'm so spiritual, meant soon in the whole "jesus is coming in 2,000 years" soon. so i waited, and waited, and waited some more.

bible studying was one of my first joys as a young christian. i always liked to read, and since the bible is god's word, i figured i should know it front to back. as i entered divinity school, some old tools were reinforced and others where learned. allow me to share:


a lot of errors in bible study can be avoided by simply reading the bible like you would any other book. i do my best to come to the word clear and free from my own thoughts, ideas, and biases. now, clearly i believe it's the word of god so there's a bias right there. you can't totally avoid bias, but you can be aware that it's present. that way, you can put it aside when necessary.

just read it like a book. put aside the ideas that your pastor, grandmother, etc. have told you. doesn't mean those ideas all are wrong. putting them aside gives you the chance to encounter those ideas for yourself. read like you would for school. too many people read and insert what they were already told about a scripture. or they just read it to confirm what they already think (you can do that for almost anything).


The best resource i have on how to read the bible is a book called "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth." it's written by Gordon Fee (a top new testament scholar) and Douglas Stuart (a top old testament scholar). these two gentlemen are top-notch scholars AND devout believers. it's a great jumping on point for someone that wants to learn how to read more precisely.

i've learned a lot from this book. honestly, you can just stop reading my blog and go by the book. seriously. go. NOW. i'll be here when you're finished.

welcome back!

in terms of bibles, my main bible is the New English Translation. i love it because of the extensive translation notes that exist online. however, for studying particular passages of scripture i like to have several versions that i know in advance will read differently. that way i can see what's going on and compare translation choices and wording. that might be a little offputting to someone that doesn't know about bible translation, but don't let the differences bother you. you'll find good explanations in the book i recommended.

my go to bibles are the updated NIV, NET, New American Standard Version, and New Living Translation. i honestly NEVER use KJV or NKJV anymore. too many issues, and frankly, there are better translations now. you don't have to use the NSRV (some people believe that there is a liberal bias). i do for school, but nothing else really. and from what i've read, there's nothing in there that makes a big difference. i strongly urge people not to use it simply because it's difficult to read. especially if reading isn't a hobby of yours, you can find other great translations that are easier to read.

ultimately, the best thing is to be able to read in hebrew and greek. but most people won't be in a position to do that. rest assured that there are a lot of good translations out there.


i pretend like the chapter numbers and verses aren't there. those were a later addition. however, in our minds we can separate important parts of scripture and lose the important parts of context. try it and i'm sure you'll discover new meanings for situations that you didn't notice before.

i love commentaries. however, i NEVER use them until i've read the text thoroughly myself. i read the text first and see what comes out. THEN i look for commentaries. but honestly, be careful which commentaries you use. if all you have is the matthew henry's commentary...please get more. a lot of popular commentaries out there are built off of secondary info...which may not be correct. lean toward the ones composed by bonafide scholars. if you are studying a particular book, get several good commentaries on it.

a text can't mean something that it never meant! content and context are two of the most important things that will help your understanding. granted, some things we will never be able to fully figure out. however, we can get pretty close. especially for the things that matter most. one this is sure...on the most important matters of faith, particularly in the new testament, the authors wanted to be clear.

this can be confusing if you're using to reading a scripture and going, "this is what god told me from it." while i don't negate that at all, it can damage the text and distort its meaning. i believe that when we read the bible in a devotional way, we create an opportunity for god to speak. because god isn't a theologian, i don't think he cares about the stuff that we're discussing (in my opinion, theology, just like science, are our attempts to figure out what god is doing and has done). all he knows is that he has your captive attention, so he'll talk to you in a way and environment that you're comfortable in. let's assume that it's very much god's word to you.

emphasis on: TO YOU.

however, if it never meant that to anyone else, especially the people that received it first, you can't pass off what you heard in your prayer closet as god's infallible word. (keep in mind that god's eternal word emerged in a particular context with a particular group of people with a particular culture. it was written FIRST so they could understand it). YOU go live that word out...but that isn't something we should base our lives around.

well, there you go! i hope this was helpful to someone. if you have any specific questions (not rude comments because i hate those), leave them as a comment. i might make it into another blog post.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Shopping List and Healthy Eating = NO FUN!!!!

i used to like going food shopping. i really don't know why, but i did. perhaps it was a sign that i was independent and fending for myself. those random trips to the grocery store in undergrad made me feel like i was the MAN!

whose got a shopping cart? ME! and whose gonna put whatever the hell he wants in it? THIS GUY!

if i wanted to buy golden grahams and honey buns for breakfast, i could do that. whipped cream as a snack? no problem! it was all okay. i was a newly crowed king, exercising his right to buy whatever he wanted for his pantry.

times changed though. about two years ago, i decided to make efforts to become a full-fledged adult and make a shopping list. now, while making a shopping list is certainly a large adult task, i'm certain that i could've managed it. the problem was that i tried to make a shopping list of HEALTHY FOOD.




this was clearly a task that was beyond my ability. before, my cart will filled with color and life. you know, FUN. now, it was filled with broccoli and brita filters.

i'm happy to report, however, that at this point i actually like broccoli and i absolutely must have water every day. but it wasn't an easy transition at all. my advice to anyone is to either pick one or the other. either decide to make a shopping list, or eat healthy. NOT BOTH AT THE SAME TIME. and especially not if you washed and folded all your clothes during the same week.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Taking Flight

anyone who knows me knows that i have a fascination (read: addiction) to superman. always have. probably always will. i had superman PJ's when i was barely 4 years old and i wore them until the wheels fell off. my parents had to constantly remind me that they were pajamas, not street clothes. the neck was stretched out where i stuffed a towel in the collar. i even jumped down the stairs thinking that i could fly. i didn't hurt myself at all, which only served to confirmed that i might have a chance to be superman after all.

as i got older, i realized that i related to the superman character for a lot of other reasons. his story is a journey of self-discovery. he had to unpack who he was over the years and in the light of the blinding fact that he wasn't like everyone else. it's hard to believe that you're like everyone else when you're the only one that can lift a tractor over your head.

at some point, all of the threads tie together for him. the struggling, the pain, the journey all make sense. he has one of those "a-ha" moments. once he gets that, he realizes his full potential. kind of like in this clip...

i want to make sense of all the stuff that's happened. not that all of the things that happened have a direct reason. some things do, others not so much. but i do think that looking at all of the events will somehow help me figure out who i am. and in turn, who i want to be.

i find it interesting that clark had to speak to his father in order to help him with the answers. his father was from another world. it was his other worldliness that granted him these abilities.

perhaps i need to talk to the One who is responsible for all of this.

it would be an added bonus if i could fly afterward. literally.