A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Training Quotes That Inspire

often while doing taekwondo, random one-liners and quotes are said. while thinking about them the other day, i realized that they might help someone. following are a few of these quotables. i won't explain them. if they are for you, they'll leap off the page.

"if anything, don't back down. at the end of the day what might count the most in a sparring match is that you stood your ground and tried."

"single kicks don't score. combinations do. each move sets up the next."

"whatever happens, move forward. you are the safest when you are moving forward."

"go through your target. don't stop short. displace it."

"whoever can remain calm and execute while under the most pressure will be the winner."

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Morning Devotional Poster

The morning devotional poster.

we like the morning devotional poster. we really, really do. they do their best to make sure our lives are filled with god's word and instruction every morning.

and we do mean EVERY morning. if the best part of waking up is folgers, then the best part of turning on our computer is the encouraging word we'll get from the poster.

a little bit of history first. the morning devotional poster evolved from the morning devotional email forwarder. this was a very good thing, as most of the world didn't like the morning devotional email forwarder. in a rare act of evolution, this type of poster became one of our most beloved. it's like a venus fly trap that evolved into a cute puppy that doesn't pee on the floor.

like clockwork, the morning devotional poster's facebook, twitter, and google buzz will have an inspirational article posted no later than 9:45am (if they are really savvy they'll use hootsuite to do it all at once). this is perfect, because most people that get to the office at 9 don't really start working until 10. conveintent on SO many levels.

you know how else the morning devotional poster helps us out? they save us money! somehow they've managed to subscribe to 12 devotional services, and after reading them all, they only posted the one that would help us all the most. do you know what that means? i don't have to buy any more copies of oswald chambers...EVER! one of the morning devotional posters will certain post his entire body of work in the span of a year. and you'll probably quote the key theme or sentence in the devotional when you update your status, so we REALLY get the point of it! god's word quick, fast, and in a hurry. we love it.

if you have a number of morning devotional posters that you follow, you may even pick your favorite ones to read. there are many variations of the this type of poster. there's the "everything will be okay" poster, "the love and relationship" poster, and the "gut check" poster. the least favorite variation of the morning devo poster is of the "repent now or else" variety. we like them because they help start our morning off right, reminding us of the severity of god, but they are dangerously close to the doomsday poster (we'll be discussing them later).

are you a morning devotional poster? if you are, just know that we love you!

Monday, August 8, 2011

I found a hill...

last time i went to run a mile, i found a hill.

this is where dreams are born and champions are made...

i was very excited by this hill. i knew that this hill would be helpful in training for the upcoming taekwondo season in a few weeks. i decided that i would tackle the hill next early the following week.

today, i did just that. i ran a mile, and then went to the foot of the hill. it was at the foot of this hill that my excitement was exchanged with fear. there were a few reasons for this:
  • the hill was bigger than i thought. i'm not crazy about heights.
  • i was tired. i was concerned if i could actually do it without falling over.
  • i have trouble picking up my feet sometimes, which makes training like this difficult.
nervous, i prepared myself to go. i chanted to myself, "be afraid, do it anyways." i started up the hill. the first few feet wasn't that bad. then the hill became much more steep than i realized earlier. it was as if i was pulling myself up by my big toes. i had to dig in just to pull myself up.

once i reached the top a new challenge appeared to me. i had to peddle down the hill while controlling myself. i also made yet another discovery about the hill: holes. there were places that were sunken in, or even a little muddy. if my foot caught any of those, i certainly would've tripped and rolled 20 feet to the bottom of the hill.

i did this several times. with each time my legs protested more violently. still deep down inside i knew that this was a challenge i had to endure. this hill represented fear. i was honestly scared. it also represented opportunity. one of my favorite tennis players, andre agassi, took to the hills in las vegas when he was training. it helped him win several majors.

i don't believe that dreams are born when we sleep or daydream. that's like saying that a baby is born just because you'd like to be a parent. i believe dreams are born when you make the effort to create what you've visualized in a tangible way.

similarly, champions aren't born. they are made. plenty of people are willing to win. most of them are willing to prepare. this hill represents the willingness to train, hone, perfect. it's a private battle between myself and i. the most intense battle, actually. no matter how hard i hit him he's always there. and he knows just what to say and do to throw me off my game. people usually don't see this battle, but it's the most important one.

any victory that i've had has been because i managed to subdue myself just enough to so that i be everything that i know is possible.

private victories -----> public displays.

Monday, August 1, 2011

what we DON'T want to see from the new Thundercats


okay, now that i've gotten that out of my system, i want to talk about the new thundercats cartoon that just came on. if you were a product of the 80s, you must've heard about this show at some point. y'know, cat-like humans, evil mummy, sword that can do EVERYTHING. oh, and the same battle cry. every show. every FLIPPING show. #butweloveditso

anywhos, the revamped show got a lot of positive feedback. for the most part, it stayed true to the original while adding much needed updates.

with that being said, there are still some things that we just don't want to see. here's my list of them:


we honestly don't want to see cheesy storylines. those worked in the 80s. it was a simpler time, a time without terrorist attacks and debt ceiling fiascoes. plus, we were in elementary show so any bright light was entertaining. that won't work now. judging by the first episode, you guys seem to taking a darker approach. that's good! keep up the good work. and we know that you'll have to do something for the younger kids that are watching, just don't make it too unbearable.

what you did with snarf is a good example. you kept him in, but you made him WAY less annoying. i actually like this snarf better. good job. use that mindset when updating and writing future stories.

2. a grown up lion-o

this may be controversial, especially since the lion-o we know and love was an adult when we first met him. however, that was because he aged while in the capsule traveling to earth. and in this version, it makes sense that lion-o isn't grown up (i'd have to give away a major plot point to tell you why, but it does). quite honestly, it's awkward watching a 20 year old act like a 12-year-old in real life. why would we want to do it for entertainment? let lion-o grow up naturally. also, we're sure that this young lion-o filled with angst and tension would be a great draw to the twilight crowd. young almost human person struggling with life and love? i can see the 12-book series being written up already.

3. you don't have to do the "ho" thing every episode

okay, we know this is the part that we all know and love about thundercats. but the truth is that we don't need to see it every single episode. really, we don't. we get it. the sword grows, it calls the thundercats together. they win. show over.

that works for 5-year-olds. not anymore. lets explore what else the sword can do. and don't make the sword a fix-all. make it very powerful, sure. but please make the sword's power levels a little below god. thanks.

and for you folks that may not have been able to see some of the episode, here's a clip. don't worry, it doesn't give too much away.

oh, and just because we don't want to see it every episode, doesn't mean that this isn't cool :-) compare the two versions and see which one you like best.