A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


something that a lot of people may not know about me is that i like music.  particularly, i like singing.  i grew up in a household where music was normal.  my dad has tons of records.  every so often, he would turn the tv off and play his old records in the house.  that's how i learned about cameo and the song flashlight.

a large amount of people on both sides of my family either played an instrument or sang...and in a lot of cases both.  i remember when my cousins and i were all together in virginia one year.  we had to have a sing-off.  the rational was this:  if you were gladys dorsey's grandchild...you HAD to be able to at least harmonize.  if you couldn't harmonize, you were clearly adopted.  our mothers would all be in the kitchen and suddenly break out into a song as if they practiced.

here's some of the breakdown of the music talent/experience in my family:

mom: sings and clarinet

dad: drums

elia: flute

me: drums, choir, praise teams

nanna: played piano, and organ, and sang

aunt karen: sings

aunt carolyn: sings

derrick: trombone, sings

daniel:  keyboard, guitar

mind you, me, my mom, and my sister have ALL won the same band award.  hilarious.  that only happens in asbury park.

anyway, i like music.  music is one of the ways i connect to god.  when i was struggling with being interested in church, singing on the praise team was the only thing that kept me going.  i actually felt more spiritually edified from praise team practice than sunday service.  i think that's because singing for me involves my whole self connecting with god, and a message that doesn't really engage me during a service makes me go sleep.

with this said, don't expect me to appear somewhere with a record (lol).  i can carry a note pretty well....but verdell's solo gospel tour is NOT in the works.  but i enjoy singing to god and it helps me experience him on a daily basis.

how do you experience god?

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