A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Realization of the Cool Christian Clique

i stand at the door and knock
lookin at my watch
waitin for the time that i'll be part of the cool christian clique
to come up

i'm in the cool christ crowd now
everybody's gonna love me now
i'm not gonna ever feel down now
i got too many loved ones around

that's the story they told me
the story they sold me
i bought it cuz i was desperate
too desperate to see the reality
that God himself was pointing to
that sometimes its just gonna keep raining
i know that april showers bring may flowers
but right now my basement's effed up

i thought that justice would flow like rivers
but i see instead that it's stopped up
clogged with the sewage of our hearts
we don't even want to start clearing it out

wanna be in the christian in-crowd
but i realized while standing in the rain
that they are really just loud
their service is a serve-us
god is a bellhop
only worthy enough to bring me my stuff
then i'll tip him with a praise on sunday morning

christianity is cool to them
fills their weekends with fun activities
all the while they are ignoring their proclivities
to sin

and naw, iont mean the easy stuff.
the sex, the lying, drunks
(even though they do that too)
i mean the biting behind the back they do
the snobbiness cuz you don't look like their crew
classism, sexism, chauvinism...all that too
treating sinners in ways that christ would never do
did christ do that to you?

they think they're better b/c they aren't poor or gay
pride has gotten in their way
especially when stuff about them is obvious

so instead of knocking on your door
i turn around
bump you clowns!
i spit in the face of your pseudo-christian norms
it's only to christ's way that i'll conform

but then instead of turning away
Christ leads me to pray
can't cast anyone away

i guess the rain was god's way of washing my eyes
clear eyes realize why the lives of those around us
are the way they are

christ didn't have a cool christian clique either

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just like you...But living like Him

all of the parts of me
the parts you don't see
or, should i say, the parts you ignore

i'm a lot like you in so many ways
don't mistake my spirituality for a lack of humanity
in reality being in touch with Him make me more me

i feel, i long, i yearn, i crave
the thrill of success
the rush of a challenge
the tenderness of a kiss
the warmth of an embrace

memories of times and events
issues now stemming from situations past since
hungers from deep inside
not bad, but they can definitely pull a brother aside

all are things that have passed through my life
leaving a residue on my psyche
you would think that it would be plain to the eye to see
yet you refuse to see
that i'm just an ordinary person...

...except i DO know which way to go
straight to God, i don't want to simply
want to be ruled by my passions
but i want my life to an example of what
His passion can produce

a man standing strong in truth
utterly human yet exuding the divine
look into my eyes and see His heart
intertwined with my Father
my life groovin' to heaven's rhymes

but i'm really just like you
and i'm doing what you can do
i'm human just like you
but i'm being a human just like Him