A transcription of my adventures. Definitely worth a read!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I'm back...


Don't be mad at me.

I know that I haven't blogged like I said that I would. Consistency is becoming my new best friend. We're still feeling each other out.

With that being said, I'll just update you on the various points of my life so that you be up to speed.


Tennis is definitely one of my girlfriends. I have many girlfriends (Chipotle, Pandora Radio, etc.) and I constantly date them all. They don't seem to have a problem with it. But yeah, tennis is my favorite sport in the world. I like it better than martial arts, and that's saying something.

As you all may know, this summer I entered a league. The former results the results in a nutshell: I'm getting better, but I hardly ever win! Ugh! Anyone that knows me knows that that whole not winning thing isn't fun. Most of my matches are very close though, but I need to just get over that hump.

With that being said, I altered my workout a bit to help with my fitness. And, viola! I won my last match, 6-1, 6-3! And this was against a guy that I lost a tight might to the first time! I another match, lost one (which was a blower), and i won a toughie on Saturday 5-7, 6-4, 10-5 (champion tiebreak). Three hours in the heat is never fun...but it's all a part of the game. I'm 3-1 on the season!


I don't work at RTI anymore. I really enjoyed working with RaMona and the like. More than that, I enjoyed having my own cubicle. Even more than that, I enjoyed having ELBOW ROOM!!! Anyone that knows me knows that I needs personal space. However, instead of the normal five feet that Americans prefer, the range of my personal space covers two square miles. I'm like a lion in the Savannah, I guess.

I have none of those that this new job. I'm the office assistant for a real estate company. I get paid more than at RTI, which is good. It's part time, so it leaves room for school, which is also good. However...my personal space is gone and my patience is constantly tested. Hmmm...God help! I know, I know. Let me take the words out of your mouth: "You need to be thankful that you have a job in this recession! Amen, Hallelujah, Praise God." Yes, I know. I realize that, and that's what keeps me going. I have a blessing and and lesson going on at the same time.


School starts on the 24th of this month. I'm ready to start back up to make that march towards my goal. I still have some concerns, though. My school is a very liberal school, which I do think fits me. However, at times I think they are liberal in the wrong ways. I personally cannot allow my love for people to trump what God says.

I must admit, I was a little rocked by some of the opinions and issues from last semester. I talked to God about it, and He said to just follow Him like the North Star! As I spend more time with Him, I'll know what to treasure and what to trash! Amen!

So, question for you, my wonderful readers: what would you like to see me blog about? What questions to you have? What issues should we tackle together? Talk to me and let me know what's going on...